

Are Employees Putting Your Company At Risk By Not Following Information Security Policies?

Posted Dec 1 2009 (Post)

  • The visibility of information security policies has a significant effect on employees’ adherence to these policies.

    情報セキュリティ ポリシーの可視性が従業員のポリシー遵守に大きく影響する

  • In order to ensure that employees comply with security policies, normative expectations of peers are vital.

    従業員がセキュリティ ポリシーを遵守できるようにするには、同僚の規範的な期待が不可欠

  • If employees do not understand the vulnerability and severity of the situation, they do not comply with information security policies.


  • Self-efficacy and response efficacy motivate employees to comply with information security policies.


  • Self-efficacy, referring to whether employees believe that they can apply and adhere to information security policies


  • Response efficacy, refering to employees’ belief that complying with security policies is an effective way to prevent security threats.

    対応効力とは、セキュリティ ポリシーを遵守することがセキュリティの脅威を防ぐ効果的な方法であると従業員が信じていること

  • Self-efficacy and response efficacy both have a significant impact on employees’ intention to comply with information security policies.
