Chatpter 20 Software Development Security

Introducing Systems Development Controls (引入系统开发控制)

Software Development

It’s much easier to build security into a system than it is to add security to an existing system.

Programming Languages

  • Two options are available to execute the programs: compilation and interpretation.
  • Reverse engineering may be able to reverse the compilation process with the assistance of tools known as decompilers and disassemblers.
  • Decompliers(反编译器) Take binary executables and convert them back into source code form.
  • Disassemblers(返回便器) Convert back into machine-readable assembly language.
  • Compiled code
    • Advantages
      Less prone to manipulation by a 3rd party.
    • Disadvantages
      • Easier for a malicious (or unskilled) programmer to embed backdoors and other security flaws in the code.
      • Escape detection
  • Compiled code
    • Advantages
      Less prone to the undetected insertion of malicious code by the original programmer.
    • Disadvantages
      The programmer’s original instructions is easy to be modified.


Development Toolsets


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)


Avoiding and Mitigating System Failure

  • Input Validation
    • Escaping input
      Performed by replacing occurrences of sensitive characters with alternative code that will render the same to the end user but will not be executed by the system.
    • In most organizations, security professionals come from a system administration background and don’t have professional experience in software development.
  • Authentication and Session Management
    • Users are properly authenticated
    • They perform only authorized actions
    • More secure to make use of existing, hardened authentication system than to try to develop an authentication system.
    • Session tokens should expire after a specified period of time and require that the use reauthenticate.
  • Error Handling
    • Dangerous information
      • The stucture of database tables
      • The addresses of internal servers.
    • SHOULD
      • Disable detailed error messages (aka. debugging mode) on any servers/apps that are publicly accessible.
  • Loggin
    • Detailed logging of errors and other security events SHOULD be sent to a centralized log repository.
    • OWASP (the Open Web Application Security Project) Secure Coding Proctices suggest logging the following events:
      • Input validation failures
      • Authentication attempts, especially failures
      • Access control failures
      • Tampering attempts (企图篡改)
      • Use of invalid or expired session tokens
      • Exceptions raised by the operating system of applications
      • Use of administrative privileges
      • TLS failures
      • Cryptographic errors
  • Fail-Secure and Fail-Open (故障保护和故障打开)
    • The fail-secure failure state puts the system into a high level of security, until its restored to normal operation.
    • The fail-open state allows users to bypass failed security controls, erring on the side of permissiveness.
    • Fail-secure is the appropriate failure state
      • Software should revert to a fail-secure condition
      • infamous Blud Screen of Death (BSOD) is an example of fail-secure.
      • Once a fail-secure operation occurs, it shold remain in a fail-secure state of to automatically reboot the system.

Systems Development Lifecycle

Security is most effective if it is planned and managed throughout the lifecycle of a system/app.

  • Conceptual definition (概念定义) ビジネスコンセプト Is a very high-level statement of purpose and should not be longer than one or two paragraphs.
  • Functional requirements determination (功能需求确定) 要件定義/外部設計
    • Input(s)
    • Behavior
    • Output(s)
  • Control specifications development (控制规范开发) 非機能要件 Designing security into a system is not a onetime process and it must be done proactively.
  • Design review (设计审查) 設計レビュー The design review meeting should include security professionals who can validate that the proposed design meets the control specifications developed in the previous phase.
  • Coding (编码) 実装 Developers should use the secure software coding principles discussed in this chapter.
  • Code review walk-through (代码评审演练) コードレビュー
  • System test review (系统测试审查)
    • Regression testing
    • UAT (User acceptance testing)
  • Maintenance and change management (维护和变更管理)

Lifecycle Models

SDLC (Software Development Liftcycle)

CMM (Capability Maturity Model) 能力成熟度模型

  • Waterfall Model (1970)
    The iterative lifecycle model with feedback loop
    • System Requirements ↓
      • ↑ Software Requirements ↓
        • ↑ Preliminary Design ↓
          • ↑ Detailed Design ↓
            • ↑ Code and Debug ↓
              • ↑ Testing ↓
                • ↑ Operation and Maintenance
  • Spiral Model (1988)
  • Agile Software Development (mid-1990s)
    • Types
      • Scrum
      • Kanban 看板
      • Rapid Application Development (RAD) 快速应用程序开发
      • Agile Unified Process (AUP) 敏捷统一流程
      • Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM) 动态系统开发模型
      • Extreme Programming (XP) 极限编程
    • Integrated Product Teams (IPT) 集成产品团队

Capability Maturity Model

Software Capability Maturity Model (abbreviated as SW-CMM, CMM, or SCMM)
The stages of the SW-CMM:

  • Level 1:Initial Little or no defined SW development process.
  • Level 2:Repeatable
    • Basic lifecycle management processes are introduced.
    • Reuse of code.
  • Level 3:Defined Operate according to a set of formal, documented SW development processes.
  • Level 4:Managed
    • Quantitative Process Management
    • Software Quality Management
  • Level 5:Optimizing
    • Defect Prevention
    • Technology Change Management
    • Process Change Management.

Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM)

An open source project maintained by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).
SAMM divides the SW development process into five business functions:

  1. Governance
  2. Design
  3. Implementation
  4. Verification
  5. Operations

Software Assurance Maturity Model file)


Five phases:

  1. Initiating
  2. Diagnosing (诊断)
  3. Establishing
  4. Acting
  5. Learning
Initiating Initial
Diagnosing Repeatable
Establishing Defined
Acting Managed
Learning Optimizing

Gantt Charts and PERT

Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) ぱーと

Change and Configuration Management

Three basic components:

  1. Request Control
  2. Change Control
  3. Release Control

SCM (Software Configuration Management) has four main components:

  1. Configuration Identification
  2. Configuration Control
  3. Configuration Status Accounting
  4. Configuration Audit

The DevOps Approach

DevSecOps refer to the integration of development, security, and operations.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Software Testing

  • The best time to address testing is as the modules are designed.
    • resonableness test / 合理性テスト / 合理性检验
  • Should assign the testing of your software to someone other than the programmer(s) who developed the code to avoid a conflict of interest and assure a more secure and functional finished product.
  • Three different philosophies
    • White-Box Testing
      -> That the testers have access to the source code.
    • Black-Box Testing
      -> Fincal acceptance testing is a common example.
    • Gray-Box Testing
      -> Combines the two approaches and is popular for software validation.

Code Repositories

  • Act as a central storage point for developers to place their source code.
  • Provide version control, bug tracking, web hosting, release management, and communications functions.

Sensitive Information and Code Repositories

Be careful to avoid placing API keys, passwords, internal server names, database names, and other sensitive information in code repositories.

Service Level Agressments (SLA / 服务等级协定)

  • System uptime (as a percentage of overall operating time) / 系统正常运行时间 / システムの通常の稼働時間
  • Maximum consecutive downtime (in seconds/minutes/and so on) / 最大连续停机时间 / 最大連続ダウンタイム
  • Peak load / 峰值负荷 / ピーク負荷
  • Average load / 平均负荷 / 平均負荷
  • Responsibility for diagnostics / 诊断责任 / 診断責任
  • Failover time (if redundancy is in place) / 故障切换时间 / フェイルオーバー時間

Third-Party Software Acquisition / 第三方软件收购

  • Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS / 商业现成)

Establishing Databases and Data Warehousing (建立数据库和数据仓库)

Database Management System Architecture

Two important DBMS architectures:

  • hierarchical (/ˌhaɪəˈrɑːrkɪkl/ 层次结构)
  • distributed (分布式结构)

Hierarchical and Distributed Databases

  • Relational Datebases
    • Object-Oriented Programming and Databases
      • Each customer would have their own record, or tuple, represented by a row in the table.
        • Cardinality ->The number of rows in the relation
        • Degree ->The number of columns
    • Three types of keys
      • Candidate Keys (候选键 / 候補キー)
      • Primary Keys A primary key is selected from the set of candidate keys for a table to be used to uniquely identify the records in a table.
      • Alternate Keys (备用键 / 代替キー) Any candidate key that is not selected as the primary key is referred to as an alternate key.
      • Foreign Keys (外键 / 外部キー) A foreign key is used to enforce relationships between two tables, also known as referential integrity (引用完整性 / 参照整合性)
    • Database Normalization (数据库规范化 / データベースの正規化)
      • The three most common are first normal form (1NF), second normal form (2NF), and third normal form (3NF).
      • SQL itself is divided into two distinct components
        • Data Definition Language (DDL) Allows for the creation and modification of the database’s structure (known as the schema)
        • Data Manipulation Language (DML) Allows users to interact with the data contained within that schema.

Database Transactions

Relational databases support the explicit (显式) and implicit (隐式) use of transactions.

Relational database transactions have four required characteristics:

  • ACID model
    • Atomicity (原子性 / 原子性) Database transactions must be atomic—that is, they must be an “all-or-nothing” affair. If any part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction must be rolled back as if it never occurred.
    • Consistency (一致性 / 一貫性) No other transaction should ever be able to use any inconsistent data that might be generated during the execution of another transaction.
    • Isolation (隔离性 / 分離性) The isolation principle requires that transactions operate separately from each other.
    • Durability (持久性 / 耐久性) Once they are committed to the database, they must be preserved.

Security for Multilevel Databases

Way to implement multilevel security in a database:

  • Keep data with different security requirements separate.
  • Through the use of database views.
    • Views are stored in the database as SQL commands rather than as tables of data.

Concurrency (并发性 / 並行性)

Databases that fail to implement concurrency correctly may suffer from the following issues:

  • Lost Updates
  • Dirty Reads
User A : ---lock---update---unlock--------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx---  
User B : ---xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-read---lock---update---unlock---

Aggregation (聚合)

Access aggregation attacks (接入聚合攻击):

  • Cyberattacks where an attacker combines multiple low-impact or low-privileged accesses to gain higher privileges or broader access within a system or network.

Inference (推理)

Inference attacks (推理攻击):

  • Inference attacks involve combining several pieces of nonsensitive information to gain access to information that should be classified at a higher level.
  • The best defense against inference attacks is to maintain constant vigilance over the permissions granted to individual users.

Other Security Mechanisms (其他安全机制)

The document discusses various security mechanisms that administrators can deploy when using a Database Management System (DBMS) to enhance security.

  • Semantic integrity
  • Time and date stamps
  • Granular object control
  • Context-dependent access control
  • Database partitioning
  • Polyinstantiation
  • The use of false or misleading data (noise and perturbation)


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC / 开放数据库连接)

ODBC as the interface between applications and a back-end database system: file


Many different types of NoSQL database:

  • Key/value (Be useful for high-speed applications and very large datasets)
  • Graph databases (Be useful for representing any type of network)
  • Document (Be similar to key/value stores, Common document types used in document stores include XML and JSON)

Storage Threats

  • First, the threat of illegitimate access to storage resources exists no matter what type of storage is in use.
  • Covert channel attacks pose the second primary threat against data storage resources.

Understanding Knowledge-Based Systems

Expert Systems

Two main components:

  • The knowledge base
    Contains the rules known by an expert system (in a series of “if/then” statements)
    • ex) If the hurricane is a Category 4 storm or higher, then flood waters normally reach a height of 20 feet above sea level.
  • The inference engine
    Analyzes information in the knowledge base to arrive at the appropriate decision.

Machine Learning

The core approach of machine learning is to allow the computer to analyze and learn directly from data, developing and updating models of activity.

Two major categories:

  • Supervised learning techniques (监督学习技术)
  • Unsupervised learning techniques(无监督学习技术)

Neural Networks (神经网络)

Neural networks are an extension of machine learning techniques and are also commonly referred to as deep learning or cognitive systems.


Exam Essentials

  • Explain the basic architecture of a relational database management system (RDBMS).
  • Explain how expert systems, machine learning, and neural networks function.
  • Understand the models of systems development.
  • Explain the Scrum approach to Agile software development.
  • Describe software development maturity models.
  • Understand the importance of change and configuration management.
  • Understand the importance of testing.
  • Explain the role of DevOps and DevSecOps in the modern enterprise.
  • Know the role of different coding tools in software development ecosystems.
  • Explain the impact of acquired software on the organization.

Review Questions

1 A
2 B
3 C
4 A → C
5 B
6 B
7 C
8 D
9 C
10 C → D
11 C
12 C → D
13 B
14 A
15 A
16 D → C
17 A → D
18 D → C
19 B
20 B

正解率:14 / 20 = 70%