Comparing SAML, OAuth, OpenID, OIDC

SAML(Security Assertion Markup Language)

The key points about SAML:

  • SAML 2.0 is an open XML-based standard.
  • OASIS adopted it as a standard in 2005.
  • Three entities:
    • Principal(such as a user)
    • Service Provider(such as a website)#SAML consumer
    • Identity Provider(a 3rd party that holds the authentication and authorization information)#SAML Authority
  • Can provide authentication and authorization, and attribute information on the principal.

OAuth(Open Authorization)

The key points about OAuth:

  • Is an authorization framework, not an authentication protocal.
  • RFC 6749 describes OAuth 2.0.
  • Exchanges information using APIs.
  • An app abtains an access token from an identity provider.
  • Later, the app includes the access token for authorization.


The key points about OpenID:

  • Is an authentication standard.
  • Is maintained by the OpenID Foundation.
  • An OpenID provider providers decentralized authentication.
  • Users enter their Open ID identifier on a site and the OpenID provider verifies the identifier.

OIDC(OpenID Connect)

The key points about OIDC:

  • Is an authentication layer using OAuth 2.0.
  • Builds on the OpenID authentication standard.
  • Provides both authentication and authorization.
  • Builds on OpenID but used a JSON Web Token(JWT).